(406) 672-5514

RSO Outfitters
MT Outfitting #23632. WY BLM Permit # WY-ROIO-RU21-03



Guided Fishing Day Trip

Join RSO for a great day of guided fishing! 

We offer whole single day trips up to custom multi-day packages on multiple rivers in Montana and Wyoming.


Call (406) 672-5514 or book online!

need more than a day? No problem!

If you want to book more than a day trip just let us know what dates you are looking at when completing the booking form. We'll be in touch regarding availability!

    Frequently Asked
    How many people can I book for a trip?

    2 anglers per boat and as many boats as you will need for your group. For groups needing 4 or more boats please book in advance to ensure we have RSO qualified guides available.

    What do you provide?

    We provide flies, terminal tackle, lunch, and non alcoholic beverages. Rods can also be provided upon request.

    What kind of boats do you use?

    The majority of our fishing is done from a drift boat or raft.

    Rivers we fish


    Bighorn River.
    Not a lot can be said about the horn that hasn’t already been said. This is arguably one of the greatest trout fisheries in the region, if not the country. With the great reputation comes traffic, but the crew at RSO always has a finger on the pulse of this blue ribbon fishery.

    Stillwater River.
    A misleading name, this Freestone river contains class II and III rapids. Browns, rainbows, cutthroat and whitefish inhabit this blue ribbon fishery and are usually quite eager to eat your offering. We fish from rafts on the Still water. A truly beautiful river with great views. The accommodating fish make this one of our favorites. Start fishing in July.

    Yellowstone River.
    The largest undammed river in the United States is home to Browns, Rainbows, Cutthroat and Whitefish. This is another legendary river of Montana and though most of anything written about this amazing river is about the water around Livingston and above, we direct our efforts on the lower end in search of less trafficked stretches.

    Very similar river to the Stillwater, this beautiful boulder river is home to the same species. July is the target month to fish for the eager trout that call it home.

    Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone (Montana and Wyoming).
    The stretches of this river in Montana don’t carry the same amazing numbers of fish as the other rivers we fish, but it can make that up in size. Very little pressure due to the low amount of boat rams and a lot of divers on the dams. This river is probably best for the seasoned angler looking for something different, less busy, and the shot at a trophy trout. 


    Bighorn River, Thermopolis WY.
    Even though it’s less talked about than the Bighorn in Montana, this is one of Wyoming’s premier trout fisheries. Great numbers of trout and the numbers of big trout that inhabit this river make it a great place to spend a few days.

    Lower Shoshone.
    From below Buffalo Bill Reservoir this little overlooked tailwater fishery flows right through Cody, Wyoming, and offers fantastic fishing for Browns, Rainbows and Cutthroat.

    © RSO Outfitters. All rights reserved. MT Outfitting #23632. WY BLM Permit # WY-ROIO-RU21-03

    Website by Metcalfe Media